Going To Try Vaping For The First Time? Things You Will Need From Your Local Vape Shop

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Vaping is an alternative to smoking cigarettes. A lot of people who have been lifetime cigarette smokers are now turning to vaping. It is not only trendy, but there are no laws against it in places where cigarettes and other smoking materials are banned. If you would like to try vaping for the first time, here are all the items you will need to purchase from your local vape shop to get started. 

Vape Pen or Pipe

A vape pen is a long, skinny, cylindrical device that has an electrically charged battery in one part of it and a vape "juice" cartridge in another part. The mouthpiece is where you draw in a puff of the fully atomized/smoked vape "juice" to taste and experience it. The opposite end of the "pen" is where you plug in the charging cord. A vape pipe is similar to a pen, but it is much larger in size and looks like a small, fat, unextended telescope. There are vape bongs as well, but to appear more socially acceptable, people keep the bongs for at-home use and purchase a pen or pipe for general use. 

Charging Cord or Charging Device

Either one of these is necessary to charge up the electricity in your vaping tool of choice. Some pens, pipes, and bongs come with their own charging cord or charging device. Ask the store associate about which devices come with their own chargers and which will need you to buy the chargers separately. 

Vape "Juice"

Vape "juice" is called juice because it is a liquid that is atomized to become a gas, which you then inhale. The juice can either be drawn up like a syringe in some vaping devices, or loaded in pre-filled cartridge form. Depending on what type of device you purchase and how it turns the juice into "smoke," you can decide what to buy. Additionally, there are dozens of vape juice flavors to try, which is often the novelty draw for most smokers-turned-vapers.

Cleaning and Maintenance Kit

Finally, it is a good idea to purchase a cleaning and maintenance kit for your vaping device. Keeping your device clean will reduce problems with its functionality, and reduce any possibility of the device accidentally exploding in your pockets, briefcase, or purse. The cleaning kit will explain how to use each of the tools and when these maintenance steps should be performed for optimal vaping. 
